TLDR: If everyone is achieving a singular goal to win as a group, it’s CoOp.
Role Playing
TLDR: The rules are flexible enough to allow you to hit another player in the head with a halibut.
TLDR: If it depends primarily on a singular component or mechanic type (Card/dice/etc), its probably that type of game.
TLDR: No grid, and miniatures.
TLDR: If moving a piece to over here lets you try to kill another piece, it’s a wargame.
TLDR: Trivia, words and stuff that feels like school.
TLDR: Actual physical skill required.
TLDR: If it’s a whole bunch of people yelling and you care more about the snacks than the game.
TLDR: If the game has zero ties to representing actual situations, it’s an abstract.
Tainted Dragon Inn
Welcome to the Tainted Dragon Inn! A place where tabletop games, creative imaginings, and rambling stories combine to entertain all who visit. Presented by Paul A. DeStefano