Party Games


OK, if you can’t figure out that party games are ones you’re supposed to play at a party, then you need to go to another site.  Now.

Party games generally work best at the five or more player mark.  If you have four players, usually other games will work well. These games often involve things like player votes, social deduction and other things that force you to actually talk to people at the party that you may or may not like.  Charades and such would be the classic example, which then evolved into games like Pictionary and Taboo. Some can be subtle and intricate like Dixit, where a player is describing a painting and they want some but not all of the players to understand.  Some are outright silly, like SuperFight, where you argue over whether or not Superman in a submarine can beat Godzilla with a freeze ray. We are NOT going to discuss that right now, because it becomes way to complicated in figuring whether or not Godzilla can freeze that submarine in place before Superman notices he’s there.

Rules to party games tend to be simplistic, and recently there is also a trend to be more and more obscene.  Unfortunately, while possibly fun sometimes, just being supposedly shocking or obscene really doesn’t make for great gaming.

TLDR: If it’s a whole bunch of people yelling and you care more about the snacks than the game.