Game Reviews
Reviewing the more unusual and unique games

TLDR: Star Trek adventure/war/exploration done right
This game is chock full of random.
Your job, as Fleet Captain is to mitigate that randomness, be prepared and create a winning situation when things are at their worst.
TLDR: Extravagant and Classic Bug Hunt with minis
If badass were boxed, it would be Space Hulk.
If R Lee Ermey plays games, it's Space Hulk.
TLDR: Roll and move adventure comes to 40K
It is indeed fun to think you're going against an easy enemy when somehow it turns out the entire pantheon of chaos gods just happen to show up instead.
TLDR: Timing based tile placement wargame
This game makes me giddy.
Really. This game builds up this pressure, bursting at the seams to get out. Then BLAM.
TLDR: Old School Adventure gaming done right
Mystic Wood is an archetypical adventure game. It would be difficult indeed to find a game of this genre 30 years later that doesn't borrow heavily from Mystic Wood. Even if the present designers never played or even heard of Mystic Wood - this is an adventure game stripped down to the bare essentials.
TLDR: Tiddly Winks Bug Wars
Drop your webs and line it up, ladies! This is war and I don't have time for you to sit around chewing yer aphids. I love the smell of Raid in the morning! Luckily, weapons of mass destruction play no part in this micromelee. This is pure hand to hand to hand to hand combat, with the occasional web ball, acid spit and rocket launcher thrown in for good measure.
TLDR: Computerless First Person combat
The game is a brilliance of design for simulating man to man (creature?) combat.
TLDR: Choose actions to complete D&D quests
“Milord, someone has reduced the population to cubes.”
"Cubes, you say?"
"Indeed Milord. All people of note. Adventurers, as it were."
TLDR: Cool mini monsters duke it out with an App to do all the math
There are two very distinct things going on here. One is a crazy cool world and a very deep game. The other is this weird tech.
TLDR: A miniatures style war game with no miniatures.
Man, this game is distilled high octane fun.
It's not terribly expensive, being all of the miniatures have been wonderfully transformed into 2D images on cardboard.
TLDR: Shuffleboard, Pool, and Darts hybrid that fits on your table.
Crokinole is basically head to head shuffleboard made really small. You flick your pucky things in an attempt to get to the center of the bullseye marked board.
TLDR: Infuriating password with too many answers.
“Death 3” he says and I know what he means. I jump to my move.
And man was it disastrous.
TLDR: The Gang Vs Monsters reliving Joss Whedon’s heyday.
Before all the HeroScapeyness and such but post HeroQuest years, super gamey Gods Rob and Craig did the deed and up popped BtVS:tG(US), which is not the chemical equation for cheese.
TLDR: 20 questions, but you can only ask stupid questions
Defying all logic, Abstracts is not an abstract game.
TLDR: Bizarre races in a card combo based multi battle war.
Blue Moon is a rapid fire series of intense concentrations as each battle is wagered, but within a few minutes, it is resolved and the next battle begins. This is now available all in a single box called Blue Moon Legends.
TLDR: Best light skirmish game out there in an insane mix of genres.