Coming Soon:

Unlawful Possession

A Novel.


All I Did Was Drop A Meeple
Valentine’s for gamers.

Seamus & the Stranger
Fantasy, blacksmithing and etymology. Three things I love.


If you prefer MEDIUM as a way to read, please go to my list of recent writings here. Not all of them are copied to this site anymore:

Paul’s Medium Stuff

Some of my faves are here:

A Blacksmith’s Weirdest Questions
This is stuff kids used to ask me when blacksmithing.

Childhood Dies
A quiet reflection on death.

Go Master Quits Due To AI Loss
Did people stop running when the car was invented?

Licensed Writing For Games
There’s some weird conditions out there.

Overheard As An Escape Room Actor
I’ve seen and heard things…

When I Shattered My Face
This is true. I broke my face. This is pretty graphic.



On the Table - In-game stories from The Emergent Campaign

The Emergent Campaign novels follow a group of players and the fantasy game that they play, run by an overly enthusiastic game master who weaves their real world emotions and concerns into the game. On The Table episodes deal exclusively in that fantasy world, providing additional background and depth to the adventures, while not featuring the player characters from the books. Episodes follow no set chronology. So, enjoy them in any order.

Around the Table - Discussions about the Creative Process, Game Design, and Running Games

Music and Sound by Syrinscape and Black Stiletto 

Because Epic games need Epic game sounds

Because Epic games need Epic game sounds

